If you want to find other Print Books and eBooks like the titles listed here, try these search strategies:
Go to the library's discovery service.
Perform a basic Keyword search and narrow your results to only electronic books available in the library collection:
Perform a Subject search for the following terms:
"Criminal justice, Administration of--United States"
"Social work with criminals--United States"
Go to the library's online catalog.
Perform a basic Keyword search:
Perform a Subject search for the following terms:
"LAW / Criminal Law / General"
When choosing a resource, it is important to determine the credibility and reliability of that resource. To do that, we recommend the CRAP test:
Currency - What is the publication date? and how does this date impact your topic of research? The subject of your research will impact the need for currency in publication.
Relevancy - Does this resource actually deal with your topic? Be careful that you aren't choosing a resource just because it has your keyword somewhere in the title or contents. Make sure the work has a substantial portion that directly addresses your subject area.
Authority/Accuracy - Who is the author of the resource? Do they have substantial academic or professional experience and credentials that give them the authority to speak on this topic?
Purpose/Point-of-view - Why was this resource written? To inform or persuade? Be aware of any bias that the author may have toward your subject that could taint the authority and reliability of the information provided in their work.
For example, let's perform the CRAP test on one of the resources listed on this page:
Gibson, Bryan. Criminal Justice : A Beginner's Guide. Waterside Press, 2014.
Currency: The currency of the resource will depend on the topic of your research. If you are looking at the history of the criminal justice system in the United States, you would have a broader date range of applicable materials than if you were researching emerging trends in the criminal justice system. Your topic determines the currency needs of your research.
This book was published in 2014, so it is only a few years old. Let's say our research is about current trends in the criminal justice system. This book would be new enough to have information that is useful to our research topic.
Relevancy: You want the resource to deal specifically with your subject. You will often locate sources that contain your key search terms but fail to actually discuss in any detail your topic of interest. Choose books that have at least a chapter about your specific topic of interest.
The main subject headings of this book are Administration of Criminal justice,Criminal law, and Criminal procedure, all of which deal with our subject of the criminal justice system. Looking at the table of contents, there is also an entire devoted to Modern Developments in the criminal justice system.
Authority/Accuracy: Do a little background check to make sure that the author and publisher have professional and/or academic experience with your topic. You want to choose resources that have been written by persons who are knowledgeable and respected in the subject discipline.
The book provides a brief bio of the author, revealing that Mr. Gibson has professional experience in the criminal justice system and has extensive experience as a writer and editor within the subject area of crime and punishment. Also, Waterside Press, is a respected publisher of works dealing with different areas of interest concerning the legal system.
Purpose/Point-of-view: Be aware of the purpose of the resource and be leery of works created to persuade the reader towards a certain point-of-view.
This books exists to inform readers concerning the basics of criminal justice.
This resource has passed the CRAP test and can be confidently used as a credible and reliable resource for our research!