The Abolition of Man (1943): LB41.L665 1978
Beyond Personality: The Christian Idea of God (1944), In Mere Christianity. BR123.L484 1960
The Business of Heaven: Daily Readings of C.S. Lewis (1984): BV4812.L482 1984
The Case for Christianity (1943) BR123.L482. Also in Mere Christianity: BR123.L484 1960
Christian Behaviour: A Further Series of Broadcast Talks (1943): BJ1251.L4 1943 Also in Mere Christianity: BR123.L484 1960
Christian Reflections (1967): BR123.L4824 /Seeing Eye and other Selected Essays from Christian Reflections: PR6023.E926 S43
Collected Works of C.S. Lewis (1996): BR118.L48 1996
Essays Presented to Charles Williams, edited by Walter Hooper, G. Bles (1966). Includes "On Stories," by C.S. Lewis: PN36.W5
First and Second Things (1985). First published as Undeceptions, 1971: BR50.L4 1985
The Four Loves (1960): BV4639.L45 1960
George MacDonald: An Anthology (1946). Edited and with preface by C.S. Lewis: PR4966.L4 1978
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics (1970). Published in England in 1971 as Undeceptions, later in 1985 as First and Second Things. BR85.L484
A Grief Observed (1961). Autobiography. Originially under the pseudonum N.W. Clerk. BV4905.2.L48 1976 and 1984
The Inspirational Writings of C.S. Lewis (1987). Includes Surprised by Joy, Reflections on the Psalms, The Four Loves, The Business of Heaven. BR121.2.L49 1987.
The Joyful Christian: 127 Readings from C.S. Lewis (1977): BX5037.L4 1977
Mere Christianity (1943). Contains enlarged versions of radio talks: The Case for Christianity, Christian Behaviour, and Beyond Personality: BR123.L484/ BR123.L484 1960
Miracles: A Preliminary Study (1947) BT97.L48 1947a
Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stuories (1966): PR6023.E926 O3 1967
The Problem of Pain (1940): BV4905.L48
Reflections on the Psalms (1958) BS1433.L4
The Seeing Eye, and Other Selected Essays from Christian Reflections (1967): PR6023.E926 S43 1986
A Severe Mercy (1977) by Sheldon Vanauken. Includes 18 previously unpublished letters by C.S. Lewis. BV4515.2.V352
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life (1955): BV4935.L43 A3
Undeceptions (1971). See God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics above.
The Weight of Glory (1942). PS3545.O617 W44
The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses (1949): BR123.L485 1949
The World's Last Night and Other Essays (1960): BR123.L487