Julie serves as the Instruction and Distance Learning Librarian here at Squires Library. She has been a part of the Lee family since first attending school here as a freshman in 1993. She began working at Squires Library in 2007 as a cataloging assistant after returning to Lee to complete her bachelor's degree. After graduating from Lee in 2010, Julie began her graduate studies online through Regent University and graduated in May 2014 with her M.A. in Communications, with an emphasis in critical film studies. In the spring of 2016, she began another online program, this time through Indiana University. Julie completed her Master of Library Science degree in the summer of 2018.
Having participated in graduate online programs as an adult learner, Julie has a special understanding of the challenges that distance students and adult learners sometimes face. She is here to assist the distance education students of Lee University and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary and to help make their educational experience a successful endeavor.