How do I access databases on the Squires Library homepage?
To access Squires Library databases, click “Databases” to see an A to Z listing of all the library’s databases.
How do I access databases when I am off campus?
To access Squires Library databases off campus:
- Click “databases” to see an A to Z listing of all the library’s databases.
- A proxy server login screen will appear.
- Enter the current database username and password in lowercase letters.
How do I access the Username and Password needed when accessing databases?
To use the Library's databases and e-book collections, you will be asked to enter a username and password. This username and password is now your personal username and password information, the same username and password that you enter to login to Moodle, Portico, and your Lee email. For our Seminary students, this will be your Populi username and password information. Learn more on the username/password instructions page.
How do I search for a journal article when I have the citation information?
- Go to the Squires Library homepage.
- Click on “Catalog Search”.
- Change “Keyword” to “Journal Title”.
- Enter the journal title (not the article title).
- Click “Search”.
- Scroll the display to identify all the issues and formats for this journal in Squires Library.
How do I search additional databases if the full text is not available in the database I am using?
- From the Squires Library homepage, click on “E-Journal Titles “(in the center column).
- Enter the title of the journal you need.
- Click on one of the databases listed for the journal you need. (If you are off campus, at this point, enter the current database username and password.)
- Browse for the particular journal issues you need or search by article title.
- If, for some reason, you are not able to access a database listed on the “E-Journal Titles” page, use the directions above to access the databases.
Where are the print copies of journals located in the library?
Current Issues - Current print issues of magazines and journals are shelved alphabetically in the Periodicals/Microforms area. The most recent issue is face-out. Lift up the shelf for back issues.
Bound Issues – Print journals that have been bound together in book form are shelved alphabetically on the Lower Level of Squires Library near Room 109. Some bound periodicals are located in off-site storage. Request the volumes in off-site storage at the Reference Desk. Allow 24 hours for retrieval of these volumes.
Microform or Microfiche – Microfilm contains copies of pages and reels of film. Microfiche contains copies of pages on individual filmcards. Both forms are filed alphabetically in cabinets in the back corner of the Periodical/Microforms area. You may make copies on the microfilm and microfiche readers ($.10 per page). The Information Services Desk can make change to dimes until 15 minutes prior to library closing.
What should I do if I have problems logging into databases?
If you are having problems accessing the databases, please check the following:
Did a “Proxy Server” screen prompt you for a user name and password?
If yes:
- Make sure that the username and password you entered is the current password.
- Check to see if you entered the username and password in lowercase.
- If you cannot get the username and password, you have to work, notify Squires Library of the problem.
If no:
- Did it send you directly to the database provider’s website and ask you for a username and password? If so, notify Squires Library of the problem.
- Did it give you a message indicating that it cannot access the page?
- If so, notify Squires Library of the problem.
- If you are on campus, you may be able to access the database from Squires Library Proxy Server Outage Page.
- If off campus, you will not be able to access Squires Library databases until the problem is resolved.
What should I do if I have problems retrieving a full text article?
- Does the database that you are using provide full text?
- Not all databases provide full text.
- Some databases provide citations for resources that may be found in Squires Library by search the Online Catalog, searching the E-journal Titles list, or requesting the item through Interlibrary Loan Services.
- Is the item you want available in full text from the database you are using?
- Many Squires Library journal databases provide only a portion of their article in full text. If full text is available, there should be a link to the full text article.
- If full text in not available in the database you are using, search for your journal title (not the article title) in the Squires Library Online Catalog, the E-Journal Titles list, or request the item through Interlibrary Loan Services.
- Is you computer security software blocking you access to full text articles?
- We recommend contacting the University IS&T Help Desk before adjusting your security software. (423-614-8027)
- WARNING: Before you adjust your security software, make sure that you are not in a situation where your computer will be vulnerable, such as an Internet Café. After you have accessed the article(s) you want, return your security software to its normal settings.
You can contact Squires Library by calling (423) 614-8551.