The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition (1936); PN688.L4
The Discarded Image: An Introduction ot Medieval and Renaissance Literature (1964): PN671.L4 1994
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama (1954): PR411.L4
An Experiment in Criticism (1961): PN85.L49 1992
The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version (1950): BS191.L4
A Preface to Paradise Lost (1942): PR3562.L4
Taliessin through the Logres [and] The Region of the Summer Stars [and] Arthurian Torso. With Charles Williams (1974): PR6045.I5 T3
C.S. Lewis Letters to Children (1985): PR6023.E926 Z48
Letters to an American Lady (1967): BX5199.L53 A42
Letters to Malcom: Chiefly on Prayer (1964): BV210.2.L44 1964
A Severe Mercy (1977) By Sheldon Vanauken. Includes 18 previously unpublished letters by C.S. Lewis: BV4515.2.V352