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In the notes and bibliography style, footnotes are used to cite sources. Each note corresponds to a superscript number in the text. The format typically includes the following elements:

  • Author’s Name,
  • Title of the Work
  • (Publication Information),
  • Page Number(s).


  1. Terry Cross, Answering the Call in the Spirit (Cleveland, TN: Lee University Press, 2007), 59.

Bibliographic Entries

Bibliographic entries are listed at the end of your document and provide full details of the sources. The format usually includes:

  • Author’s Last Name, First Name.
  • Title of the Work.
  • Publication Information.

Example: Cross, Terry. Answering the Call in the Spirit. Cleveland, TN: Lee University Press, 2007.

You can refer to the Turabian Citation Quick Guide for more detailed examples and variations.

Chicago/Turabian Formatting Tutorial  Footnotes and Bibliographic Entries

Adding Footnotes URLs and Permalinks

Watch these instructional videos to learn how to format your Chicago/Turabian class paper.

Classical, medieval, and early English literary works should usually be cited only in footnotes or, for frequently cited works, in parenthetical notes..." (Turabian 2018, 202).  It is typically not necessary to include this information in the bibliography.  Only include the ancient or sacred text in your bibliography if you are writing a paper in literary studies or if you are performing a close analysis of the texts or their translations.  In this case, treat the work as you would a translated and edited book.

Footnotes for ancient and sacred texts should generally include the following:

  1. Author's name, Title of Work section number.
  2. Homer, The Iliad lines 763-789.
  3. Aristotle, Metaphysics 3.2.996b5-8; Plato, Rebuplic 360e-361b.

Cite the Bible by using the abbreviated book name, chapter number, and verse number in the footnote.

  1. 1 Sam. 4:13.
  2. Song of Sol. 8:5-7.

Since the version of the Bible you are referencing could change the book and numbering, include the version referenced in the first citation with the full name of the version or an accepted abbreviation (Turabian 2018, 204).

  1. Amos 3:2 (Legacy Standard Bible).
  2. Exod. 5:22-23 (NIV).

Turabian, Kate L. 2018. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. Edited by Wayne C Booth, Gregory G Colomb, Joseph M Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T FitzGerald. 9Th edition/ed. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.