Suggested subject headings for conducting a “Subject Search” in the online catalog:
Building a Contagious Church: Revolutionizing the Way We View and Do Evangelism. By Mark Mittelberg. Loyola Press, 2002.
Circulating - BV3793 .B2313 2002
Church Wake-Up Call: A Ministries Management Approach That is Purpose-Oriented and Inter-Generational in Outreach. By William Benke, Le Etta Benke. Best Business Books, 2001.
Circulating - BV652 .B44 2001
Coaching Change: Breaking Down Resistance, Building Up Hope. By Thomas G. Bandy. Abingdon Press, 2000.
Circulating - BV652.1 .B35 2000
Equipped for Every Good Work: Building a Gifts-Based Church. By Dan R. Dick and Barbara Miller.Discipleship Resources, 2001.
Circulating - BV652 .D47 2001
Equipping Church Guidebook: Your Comprehensive Resource. By Sue Mallory and Brad Smith. Zondervan Pub. House, 2001.
Circulating - BV677 .M32 2001
Leading & Managing a Growing Church. By George G. Hunter, III. Abingdon Press, 2000.
Circulating - BV652.25 .H839 2000
Moving Beyond Church Growth: An Alternative Vision for Congregations. By Mark A. Olson. Fortress Publishers, 2002.
Circulating - BV652.25 .O45 2002
Spiritual Maturity: Preserving Congregational Health and Balance. By Frank A. Thomas. Fortress Press, 2002.
Circulating - BV652 .T52 2002
The Wounded Minister: Healing From and Preventing Personal Attacks. By Guy Greenfield. Baker Books, 2001.
Circulating - BV4398 .G74 2001