Suggested subject headings for conducting a “Subject Search” in the online catalog:
Conflict Management in Congregations. Edited by David B. Lott. Alban Institute, 2001.
Circulating - BV652.9 .C66 2001
The Effective Missionary Communicator. By Paul A. Goring. Billy Graham Center, 1991)
Circulating - BV2094.6 .G67 1991
Marketing Communications for Local Nonprofit Organizations: Targets and Tools. Best Business Books, 2001.
Circulating - HF5415 .M34 2001
Team Leadership in Christian Ministry: Using Multiple Gifts to Build a Unified Vision. By Kenneth O. Gangel. Moody Press, 1997.
Circulating - BV652.1 .G37 1997
Welcoming Resistance. By William Chris Hobgood. Alban Institute, 2001.
Circulating - BV652.1 .H57 2001
Wounded Minister: Healing From and Preventing Personal Attacks. By Guy Greenfield. Baker Books, 2001.
Circulating - BV4398 .G74 2001